Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection on Skills.

1.What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skills? I have learned to write a successful essay you to have to have thesis and be able to write paragraphs supporting your claims on your thesis. When you writing thesis you have to have a claim, a topic and a reason why you agree or disagree with your claim. From your reason you get your topic sentence and start writing paragraphs giving reason and facts on why you believe this.
I learned to be able to write a good essay from a text I should annotate. Which I'm still I'm trying to get the hang of. I get myself confused on which are the main points and start highlighting everything. I need more practice in annotating.
I also learn how to correctly summarize a text, without being a patriot. How to include the author in my piece and not to include opinions when I'm writing a summary. 

2.What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?
I'm able to write thesis and write a paragraphs in the correct order I listed them in my thesis.When I would a write I would always have trouble starting it off. At least now I know I can start by mentioning the name of the text and the author and stating what he/ she is trying to explain in their text.

3.What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you?
 I'm still confused with annotating. I get myself confused on which are the main points and start highlighting everything. I need more practice in annotating.

4.Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class? What makes you feel this way?
I feel a little more confident. I feel this way because now I understand the basic skills of writing which before I never did. When I use to write I would keep writing with making no sence at all. Now I try to control myself stick to my topic.

5.Anything else I should know about?
You should know that always forget to proof read my work. That I write the way I talk. But I'm really doing my best to stop this. When I'm at work I re-read my work like 5 times before I send it out.

Blog 9: Reflecting on Paragraphing.

What have you learned from the paragraphing class? I was in class when you teaching paragraphing but from reading my booklet I learned that your need to have a topic sentence to have a successful paragraph

How do you know that you have learned it? It made a little easier for me to write my blog 8 essay.

Can you describe how you learned it? I was able to write a good topic sentence and write a clear paragraph

What helped your learning? What made it difficult? Reading over and over the paragraphing section and trying different sentence to go with it. Choosing my first sentence.

How do you feel after today's class? I wish I didn't miss this class. I would of been able to ask questions

Blog 8 " I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with the Facts"

In “I know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with the Facts” author Jeffrey Kluger's purpose is to inform us that even by showing people facts they will not change their opinions in what they believe in. He begins by mentioning a research that R. Kelly and Erik Nisbet conducted a study at Ohio State University to determine whether showing people the facts about the rumors of the proposed Islamic cultural center would change their opinions. Garret and Nisbet were disturbed how easy it is to  manipulate people’s belief, they saw that less than a third of people were willing to change their opinion regardless of the evidence given.  Professor Kluger states that even when people do take time to learn the facts, it often does no good. Garret cited a body of studies showing when topics are presented with data that goes against what they believe; they frequently stick stronger to their beliefs. In the ending of his piece Kluger stated that no matter what studies can reveal, it’s up to us to find a place in a world of facts and to make our own decisions based on the information that we are given.

I do not agree with Jeffrey Kluger when he states that people beliefs are easily manipulated because when people are brought up believing in something, not all facts will change our opinions. 

I feel as if you have strong belief in something you will not let anything change your mind. I’m specifically speaking about religion. I strongly believe in GOD. I was brought up in a house hold to believe that there is GOD and he is the creator of this earth. Scientist have been doing research for years and have different time frames where they show how evolution evolved. Even though they have facts and pictures to make me believe others wise, I will always believe that GOD is the creator of this earth and everything in it. There are a lot of people out there that believe the same.  Once something is drilled threw your head you will never change your mind.

There can be millions of facts proving what our beliefs are wrong but it’s up us the people to decided what we want to believe is true or false. No one should change your beliefs just because of some facts. You have to go with what honestly makes you happy inside. It’s your life and your decision.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 7: Reflecting on Thesis-based Writing

  • What have you learned from the thesis-based writing class? I learned that have thesis can help you write a organized essay.

  • How do you know that you have learned it? I know I learned how to do it becasue I was able to do it with my group and on my own

  • Can you describe how you learned it?  As I mention I was able to create claim and a thesis on my own.

  • What helped your learning? What made it difficult?

  • What helped me learn was us discussing it in class and what is the correct way. What made it difficult it for me was putting my reason in my words.

  • How do you feel after today's class? I feel like I learned something new, that making thesis will help me write a better essay. I'm type a person who rambles alot but this I can write my thoughts in a organized matter
  • Blog 6

    1. Tooth fairy- I seen my parents put the money under my pillow.

    2. People- they always find away to disappoint you and lie to you. You can only trust yourself.

    3. Bloody Mary- until I really tired it one day and nothing happen.

    4. Santa Claus- I just got older and always saw my parents buy me my gifts.

    5. Candyman- I used to be scared to sleep with all the lights off I thought that candyman would get while everything was dark but one night I had no choice to sleep with all the lights off and the next morning I saw I was still in one piece and in my bed so after that I didn't believe in them anymore.

    Blog 4 "HYPE"

    In “Hype” author Kalle Lasn states that advertisements has increased so steadily and relentlessly that we have not quiet woken up to the absurdity of it all. She begins her piece mentioning how every day about 12 billion ads are displayed, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200 TV commercials are shown to us without us evening realizing. Everywhere we go there is an ad trying to sell us products to vacations you can find them anywhere from buses to when you go to a rest room in a restaurant. We have not noticed but these ads, commercials have slowly become part of our lives. We read them without realizing that we are. Even while you are watching TV, with our family and trying to enjoy our show there always a commercial showing a new product. Little kids are the main one who memorized by these commercial at time, because they are the ones that tell their parents to buy them that toy or they want that candy.

    Corporate America makes its money by spending millions of dollars on advertisements but the profit they make it from is worthwhile. Lasn tells us Corporate America will put their logo or product message where ever our eyes can possibly. Example of these commercial is for the Super Bowl Company pay millions of dollars for 30 second. They know millions of people will be watching, everyone gets excited and all you hear people talking about what new commercials will come out this year. They get your attention and make you want to go check out the website or want to buy the car they are advertising. Lasn mentions how a company called Video Carte installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so you see ads while you shop. I think this is one of the best ideas they ever came up.  I believe this a good idea because it will save us shopper a lot of time, we can look at these ad as we walk and know exactly where got to go in the supermarket.  

    She ends her piece by saying “there is now where to run” that no one is exempt from them. I honestly believe there isn’t any where to run. Our lives are surrounded by these advertisement and commercials. Everywhere we go there always someone trying to advertise to you, even when you are the comfort of your home.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Blog 3

    What have you learned from the Summarizing class? I when you summarize you should always use quotes from the article and the authors name. The summary should not be longer than the text. Do not put your personal opinion.

    How do you know that you have learned it? I know I learned because we pratice it in class. I was able to summarizied my on own by using the step we learned in class
    Can you describe how you learned it?

    I learned it by having some praticing with my team and doing it on my own.

    What helped your learning?
    Going over it with my team.

    What made it difficult?
    Knowing when to use the write quotes and how to reword it

    How do you feel after today's class?
    I feel that it will be easier for me to concentrate on the main point of texts and it will be a little easier for me to write a summary.