Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection on Skills.

1.What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skills? I have learned to write a successful essay you to have to have thesis and be able to write paragraphs supporting your claims on your thesis. When you writing thesis you have to have a claim, a topic and a reason why you agree or disagree with your claim. From your reason you get your topic sentence and start writing paragraphs giving reason and facts on why you believe this.
I learned to be able to write a good essay from a text I should annotate. Which I'm still I'm trying to get the hang of. I get myself confused on which are the main points and start highlighting everything. I need more practice in annotating.
I also learn how to correctly summarize a text, without being a patriot. How to include the author in my piece and not to include opinions when I'm writing a summary. 

2.What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?
I'm able to write thesis and write a paragraphs in the correct order I listed them in my thesis.When I would a write I would always have trouble starting it off. At least now I know I can start by mentioning the name of the text and the author and stating what he/ she is trying to explain in their text.

3.What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you?
 I'm still confused with annotating. I get myself confused on which are the main points and start highlighting everything. I need more practice in annotating.

4.Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class? What makes you feel this way?
I feel a little more confident. I feel this way because now I understand the basic skills of writing which before I never did. When I use to write I would keep writing with making no sence at all. Now I try to control myself stick to my topic.

5.Anything else I should know about?
You should know that always forget to proof read my work. That I write the way I talk. But I'm really doing my best to stop this. When I'm at work I re-read my work like 5 times before I send it out.


  1. Okay you did it...That's whats up

  2. Wow. You are tough on yourself :-)

    Thank you for this self-assessment--it really helps me figure out how to help you.
