Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 8 " I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with the Facts"

In “I know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with the Facts” author Jeffrey Kluger's purpose is to inform us that even by showing people facts they will not change their opinions in what they believe in. He begins by mentioning a research that R. Kelly and Erik Nisbet conducted a study at Ohio State University to determine whether showing people the facts about the rumors of the proposed Islamic cultural center would change their opinions. Garret and Nisbet were disturbed how easy it is to  manipulate people’s belief, they saw that less than a third of people were willing to change their opinion regardless of the evidence given.  Professor Kluger states that even when people do take time to learn the facts, it often does no good. Garret cited a body of studies showing when topics are presented with data that goes against what they believe; they frequently stick stronger to their beliefs. In the ending of his piece Kluger stated that no matter what studies can reveal, it’s up to us to find a place in a world of facts and to make our own decisions based on the information that we are given.

I do not agree with Jeffrey Kluger when he states that people beliefs are easily manipulated because when people are brought up believing in something, not all facts will change our opinions. 

I feel as if you have strong belief in something you will not let anything change your mind. I’m specifically speaking about religion. I strongly believe in GOD. I was brought up in a house hold to believe that there is GOD and he is the creator of this earth. Scientist have been doing research for years and have different time frames where they show how evolution evolved. Even though they have facts and pictures to make me believe others wise, I will always believe that GOD is the creator of this earth and everything in it. There are a lot of people out there that believe the same.  Once something is drilled threw your head you will never change your mind.

There can be millions of facts proving what our beliefs are wrong but it’s up us the people to decided what we want to believe is true or false. No one should change your beliefs just because of some facts. You have to go with what honestly makes you happy inside. It’s your life and your decision.

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