Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 3

What have you learned from the Summarizing class? I when you summarize you should always use quotes from the article and the authors name. The summary should not be longer than the text. Do not put your personal opinion.

How do you know that you have learned it? I know I learned because we pratice it in class. I was able to summarizied my on own by using the step we learned in class
Can you describe how you learned it?

I learned it by having some praticing with my team and doing it on my own.

What helped your learning?
Going over it with my team.

What made it difficult?
Knowing when to use the write quotes and how to reword it

How do you feel after today's class?
I feel that it will be easier for me to concentrate on the main point of texts and it will be a little easier for me to write a summary.

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