Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 4 "HYPE"

In “Hype” author Kalle Lasn states that advertisements has increased so steadily and relentlessly that we have not quiet woken up to the absurdity of it all. She begins her piece mentioning how every day about 12 billion ads are displayed, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200 TV commercials are shown to us without us evening realizing. Everywhere we go there is an ad trying to sell us products to vacations you can find them anywhere from buses to when you go to a rest room in a restaurant. We have not noticed but these ads, commercials have slowly become part of our lives. We read them without realizing that we are. Even while you are watching TV, with our family and trying to enjoy our show there always a commercial showing a new product. Little kids are the main one who memorized by these commercial at time, because they are the ones that tell their parents to buy them that toy or they want that candy.

Corporate America makes its money by spending millions of dollars on advertisements but the profit they make it from is worthwhile. Lasn tells us Corporate America will put their logo or product message where ever our eyes can possibly. Example of these commercial is for the Super Bowl Company pay millions of dollars for 30 second. They know millions of people will be watching, everyone gets excited and all you hear people talking about what new commercials will come out this year. They get your attention and make you want to go check out the website or want to buy the car they are advertising. Lasn mentions how a company called Video Carte installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so you see ads while you shop. I think this is one of the best ideas they ever came up.  I believe this a good idea because it will save us shopper a lot of time, we can look at these ad as we walk and know exactly where got to go in the supermarket.  

She ends her piece by saying “there is now where to run” that no one is exempt from them. I honestly believe there isn’t any where to run. Our lives are surrounded by these advertisement and commercials. Everywhere we go there always someone trying to advertise to you, even when you are the comfort of your home.


  1. I think there is a summary the writer talked about “Hype”; she correctly stated the thesis that everywhere we go can see ads. She stated some specific examples prove that commercial ads really in existence everywhere we go.
    In this essay, there are many sentences are copy from the original, and the paper is written with few grammar and spelling errors.
    However, this is a good essay with clear idea and claim. I honestly suppose the writer use her own words.

  2. There is a clear main ponit that the writer found out and wrote into her essay, but too much imformation that she copied from the assignments "hype" when she wrote her summery. The writer shoud avoid to copy too much imformation, she can try to use some words to instead of the key words, but the good thing is writter did not put her opinion into the summary.
    Kall Lasn's claim is clearly and correctly stated.
    In writer's response, I did not find a significant idea in her essay. After I read her introduction, I could not find a setence which is connected to the second paragraph which is the example that she gave. The last several sentance are also some examples to explain Kalle Lasn's claim.
    The writer's claim does no state early in the paper. She added it in the end, but i am not sure this sentence"I honesly believe there isn't any where to run" is her referee to "hype" or her claim.
    There are no examples from writer's personal experiences.
    When i was reading, i could not find out clear logical connections between ideas and paragraphs; because sometimes she said no where to run for ads, and sometimes she said it will save us shopping a lot of time.
    Overall, the paper is written with few grammar/spelling/style errors. I am confused what she said in a long sentence in the introduction"Everywhere we go there is an ad trying to sell us products to vacations you can find them anywhere from buses to when you go to a rest room in a restaurant."

  3. This is clear that writer agrees with the author’s viewpoint. As I read this essay, I found it neither a summary nor one significant idea identified. Actually the writer picks up some exact sentences and tries to analyze regarding them. There are some grammatical errors that needs to be focused on. It seems to me that writer likes to write a lot which is good and more likely to become a good writer very soon, but he/she needs to pay attention on run-on sentences (for example line # 5 from the top).
